
Steamed Cabbage with Lemon Butter

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When I was in high school, my best friend came over to my house one day during summer break and we attempted to cook all of our favorite Chinese takeout dishes which, of course, included egg rolls. I’d never worked with cabbage before, and as we sat at the kitchen counter tediously grating a ridiculous amount of cabbage on box graters, a foul odor descended over the kitchen like the dirtiest pair of gym socks in the universe. “Oh my gosh,” I thought to myself, “what in the world is wrong with her?” Of course I didn’t want to embarrass her by saying anything, so I attempted to breathe solely through my gritted teeth.

After what seemed like ages, we had finally shredded enough cabbage, so I picked up the scraps to toss in the trashcan. As I walked across the room, I realized that the smell was coming with me. Horrified, I wondered, “Could it be me? But I’m not even wearing socks!” Tentatively, I sniffed the cabbage. “Ohhhhhhhh, it’s the cabbage making that smell!” I exclaimed out loud with visible relief.

“YOU THOUGHT IT WAS ME?” she shrieked. Hahahahahahaha. Oops.

Suffice it to say, cabbage is one of those foods that tastes better than it smells. Here is one of my favorite ways to serve it.